Monday, 27 January 2025

The Journey of Vigan: From a Municipality to a City with Vibrant Culture and Full of Treasure

     Walking through the streets of  Vigan is like having a small glimpse of the hidden treasure of what the City went through all the years before. Vigan, as a municipality before, thrived as a vibrant and filled with treasure. A municipality with its Spanish Colonial houses, horse-drawn carriages, and its cobblestone streets: a feature that can capture the attention of many locals and even tourists' attention. There were times when Vigan struggled and faced challenges in terms of preserving its culture due to globalization and technological advancement. Even with these challenges, Vigan as a municipality remained steadfast and kept moving forward. These features of Vigan earned a spot as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    Moving forward, through the Republic Act 8988, Vigan became a City in 2001. Some locals came up with programs to protect the features and treasures of Vigan: the Ancestral houses and many others. Though the advancement of technology is currently taking place, Vigan still managed to preserve its culture and treasures: traditional crafts, weaving, and pottery. Vigan proved that even with hard challenges and big problems, there's still a way to solve them and make your way out, leading you to the right path with you carrying the lessons you've learned.  Today, Vigan City is thriving with life, the taste of the history blends smoothly with modernization. Calle Crisologo, donning its old-world charm, attracts tourists from all walks of life, while the city's developed facilities and eco-friendly activities show that the community is forward-looking. Festivals, local delicacies, and industries now make Vigan not only a tourist destination but a proud, progressive city with deep roots in its culture. It was because of the resilience and dedication of its people that all of these were possible. 

    The story of Vigan made us remember that growing doesn't mean abandoning and forgetting our roots. It simply teaches us to cherish the history while stepping into the future that holds uncertainty. Let us take some inspiration from the journey of Vigan—an event wherein balance is important.


  1. Pinimg. (n.d.). Image of Vigan City. Pinterest.

  2. Pinimg. (n.d.). Image of Vigan City. Pinterest.

  3. Philippine Tourism USA. (2017, September). Vigan City. Philippine Tourism USA.

Sunday, 5 January 2025

A Glimpse of My Journey

         A lot happened in a year, I faced problems, challenges, bumpy roads, and even people who wanted to pull me down. As the chapter for 2024 closes, I look back and say "I made it again", after those never-ending challenges that I faced during this year of mine, I can say that I learned a lot. My journey of ups and downs, it's amusing that a lot can happen in just a year. I've grown and learned a lot in that chapter of my story, both success and failure have prepared me for what might happen this year 2025. 

        The year 2024 was epic, there were times when I felt like I was on top of the world, achieving the goals I'd set for myself. There were also times when I tripped, I failed, and when I asked myself if my decision was right. But those moments taught me how to be strong—how to get back up and keep moving forward. As the days passed, I said to myself that whatever challenges or problems I may face in 2025, I will not give up as I have prepared myself for whatever war I may face in this chapter. I have the lessons I learned in the last chapter of my story as a weapon and a gear. I also want to be kinder to myself and not push myself too hard, to love myself like I love others, I realized that change isn't going to happen in just a night, it is a little-by-little step we take daily. I wanted to take care of myself—not only physically but mentally too. This year, I don't want to enter a relationship but I am currently admiring someone, I just want to appreciate them, and I will treat myself right this time. Lastly, I plan to embrace new hobbies and journeys, keeping this chapter exciting. 

        Some things have changed but this is still "Me", I will not forget who I was in my last chapter because I gained a lot of lessons when I was in that chapter. This version of myself is now ready as 2025 begins. I am now ready to embrace new opportunities that lie ahead, ready to face challenges, and ready to continue this journey. 

A Small Journey of Mine Before I End This Chapter

        Christmas break has begun, I, myself have nothing to do but to sleep and get some rest, but isn’t that too boring? I thought of something that I could do for this year's Christmas break. The night of our Christmas party, I started to think of something I could do for less than two weeks regardless of the requirements we needed to pass on January 2. January 2 is the exact date wherein our classes are resumed so I said to myself that I need to enjoy the most of it because our break is just less than two weeks. After I thought about it, I made up my mind that I’d enjoy it by watching Thai series, crocheting, and going somewhere I’d enjoy.

        Fast forward, to Dec 21, I woke up late probably because I was so tired from celebrating our Christmas party, that celebration was the only one where I enjoyed participating, it's not that I didn't enjoy participating in other Christmas Parties in my previous years but this time, I can say that this is the celebration where I participated the most. After I got out of bed, I bathed first and ate my lunch. Afterwards, I watch some Thai series all day long, that’s my routine until Dec. 24 but the night of 24, I went out to attend the mass here in Sta. Catalina, it started at 6 pm and they performed on how Christmas exists. After their performance, the mass started. Then after the mass, I went home, got some rest, and waited for 12 am to celebrate Christmas. Next, after the celebration of Christmas, I got back to my routine where I watched some Thai series and then did some crocheting, I just want to keep myself busy and this is my way of keeping myself occupied, I’m actually enjoying it. The day of the 28 came, I went to Caoayan because it was my Lola’s 75th Birthday and to spend some time with my cousins who live there because we barely have time for each other. After that, Dec 31 came, and instead of watching and keeping myself busy, I decided to help my tita, I cut some carrots, chicken, and some Baguio beans for the pancit. On the night of 31, I went out again to attend a mass, and just like the night of 24, it started at 6 pm. Then, I went home and watched a Thai series entitled "Apple My Love", I went to sleep after we celebrated the New Year.

    That's what I did during our vacation, I can say that I enjoyed it because I watched a lot of  Thai series. Furthermore, I got to spend my time with my siblings even though they were so annoying. The event that I enjoyed the most was when I got to spend some time with my cousins and when I received some money. 

A Unity of All the Treasures and Hidden Gems of Ilocos Sur

          The Kannawidan Festival is an important event and celebration in Ilocos Sur. It emphasizes the rich traditions and culture of the ...