Sunday, 29 September 2024

A Journey to a Path that Leads to a New Knowledge

     Throughout the first quarter as a STE 10th grader, I have gained a lot of experience and knowledge in our subject ICT-10. First, I learned about the LAS Internet Timeline: Such as the people who are involved on the Internet, the specific year of that certain event, the number of hosts that's been added in a particular year, and many other. Furthermore, in this LAS (Internet Timeline) there is also the Internet Browser: How does World Wide Web works, how does the browser fetch the pages and the parts of a Web Browser. Second, it is about the introduction of the internet: I learned the internet services and tools such as the E-mail, newsgroups, etc. I also learned about the Data Types wish are the Text Files, Graphic Files, and Multimedia. Third, the Social Media Smart: this is where the Blog (Web Blog) comes in, I also remember that the types of Blogs are included in this lesson which are the Personal Blog, Question Blogs, etc. Fourth, the Pioneers, citing a source, and how to create a blog account: this is a step-by-step process from what website you should go, to the step of posting. Lastly, not only that I learn the lessons, but I also learned about life lessons. I learned that if they don't make a move, you should learn how to do it and be independent, there will be always a time that you will need to stand on your own.

     During the first quarter as a 10th grader, a lot of challenges and problems have come my way. Some are hard but some are easy to overcome. I find it hard when I do not get the lesson the same way I get with the other lessons, and in a particular reason it doesn't satisfy me. The ICT requirements that I can't finish on time, or maybe I lack knowledge of that lesson that's why I can't finish it on time. I have 10 subjects in a day, sometimes my time in the afternoon is not enough for all subjects, although not all my subjects have an everyday requirement, but I still struggle managing my time for all the subjects. I also found myself having a hard time keeping up with some of the lessons that we tackle during those times. 

     For me to overcome these challenges and problems, I asked my friends and classmates for instruction, and they will give me a simpler answer that I could understand and sometimes they also give me an example to that particular task or activity. When I don't get the lesson the same way I get with the other lesson and somehow it doesn't satisfy me, I sought some help online: I would find the same lesson on YouTube or TikTok then I will grab a pen and start writing and writing until I'm satisfied. Then, when I'm having a hard time trying to do some requirements in my other subjects, I will make a list containing the requirements that I need to pass the next day and when I can't finish it the night before, I would do it in school. 

     Moving on, I will continue to strive, organized and be more active in school. I will also do my best for me to keep up with the lessons. Furthermore, the challenges the I faced during my first quarter journey will be a lesson and will act as a guide on my second quarter journey. 

Pinterest. (n.d.). A girl studying with full of papers around her [Pinterest Pin]. Pinterest.
Pinterest. (n.d.). A study material with highlighter and drinks [Pinterest pin]. Pinterest.

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