Friday, 20 September 2024

Let's explore the structure of my Soul

             What builds 'YOU'? The person that is standing and fighting today? There are a lot of things that builds 'YOU', such as your traits, hobbies, your friends and family or even the things that you can't live without it. Simple things build you, let's talk about it, let's start with mine. Hey, I'm Aubrey Nikole Rapisura, 15 years old and from Tamorong Sta. Catalina. I noticed that time passes by too fast to the extent that we've grown without noticing it. Each day, I learn new things and I gain knowledge. With each knowledge that I'm gaining, I use it to help people or in specific my friends and others, in school, in life, or even in cases that I and that person I'm talking to only knows. With the knowledge that I gained, it also helps me build my trait and attitude better. 

          There are still more about me. My friends see me as an approachable, joyful, understanding and a patient person. I tend to understand everyone even though it's complicated and if I can't take it anymore, I take myself into one corner and preferably not talk to anyone not until I'm okay. I take things professionally. If something went wrong or if there's a problem, I listen to them patiently until they're done talking but I don't always give an advice or opinion because they might not like what I'm going to say, I only tell someone my opinion if it's a need but almost all the time I keep my mouth shut, I just listen to their rant. I tend to approach people if I noticed that there is something wrong, in that way I can avoid issues and other problems between me and some people. I often ask my friends or someone close to me if they have something to say about me, like " hey, do you have something to say about my traits? Or something that offends you that I am doing?" so that we can avoid misunderstanding and issues because I know to myself that actions can be misleading and often leads to a lot of misunderstanding. One more thing that I love is that I love hearing people's opinion because in some cases I often learn from it, gathering new information and ideas. If the result of the idea is bad then it's okay, you can always try again or maybe find another idea if it doesn't work after many tries, besides you can explore the problems that is trying to hinder you from using it and in that case, you can find a solution for it. See? You can learn from everything that you're doing so try to learn from every challenge that you'll face, that's what I always do. One trait of mine is that I tend to greet and smile at everyone even though my day isn't going too well because it's my way of saying that I respect them and that makes me happy even if they didn't smile at me the way I smile at them. There are a lot of challenges that almost made me give up but I didn't, rather I took those challenges as a rope for me to climb up and solve those problems and it made me improve myself. That is a trait of mine that I really like, just enjoy, if the world is harsh then try to find a reason or something so that you can enjoy this crazy world. Try to adapt the flow of this world because if you don't, you won't survive. Make those challenges as a motivation for you to keep moving forward. Lastly, I ask for Gods' help if the problem or challenges is too hard, even if it's not hard I always asks for his guidance because without God, I can't do anything so if you can't then ask for Gods' help, he's always been there, just watching and guiding you. Approach him if the world is too harsh, pray and he'll help you, he'll help you be better. God is the one who guided to a better path and God made me strong.

          My dream is simple, I just want to achieve my dream as an Engineer, Architect and a Doctor. I also want to travel the world with my special someone, Yno. I want to help those in need, provide food for the stray cats and dogs, and many more. For myself, I want to build a business with my partner, buy all the things that I want and be able to afford the needs for my family. When I grow up, I still want to learn a lot of things, discover more, and share with others the knowledge that I have. Lastly, I want to enjoy my life.

1 comment:

  1. As I read through this great blog, I found myself mesmerized by your life story. It's nice to know you more, brey. Do well and I'm proud of you.


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