Friday, 20 September 2024

My Unsaid Thoughts about Mr. President

FROM: Aubrey Nikole Rapisura 
Tamorong Sta. Catalina Ilocos Sur 
August 22, 2024 

TO: Mr. President Ferdinand "Bong Bong" Marcos JR.
Malacañang Palace J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel Manila 

Dear Mr. President Marcos, 

          I hope this letter finds you well Mr. President, I'm here to express my deepest gratitude and admiration for your leadership to our nation. I'm writing this letter as you continue your work for our country, I want to thank you for doing a lot of work just to lead our country. Furthermore, i want to tell you some thoughts of mine.

          Over the time that you've handled our nation, we can see that there are changes Mr. President and we're so happy for that, our deepest thank you Mr. President. You and your leadership has bought a lot. I genuinely appreciate your effort to make our country better and safer for every individual that are living here in the Philippines. Mr. President, I hope you can find courage and energy to improve our country, I hope that you would never stop loving our nation Mr. President. I, we Thank you for guiding us even in complicated and hard situations, we thank you for guiding us through thick and thin Mr. President. As a President of the nation Philippines, you've already proven and demonstrated your sincerity to make our nation improve and be peaceful. You prove your words Mr. President, I believe that with your leadership, our nation will continue to strive and improve, we can even achieve greater heights. 

          In closing, I remain hopeful that you will continue your work as a leader and keep changing our country in a positive way. Thank you for your service, Mr. President, please know that I stand behind you as you continue your work. 

With respect and appreciation
Aubrey Nikole Rapisura

Pinterest. (n.d.). Mr. President Ferdinand Marcos is saying an announcement. Pinterest.
Pinterest. (n.d.). Mr. President Ferdinand Marcos is saying his speech. Pinterest.

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