Sunday, 29 September 2024

One Person can be a Cause of What Changed

     We, human have been so cruel to our environment also the animals in our surrounding. We are doing a big impact to our environment and even if it benefits us, it could ruin our world little by little. Throwing trashes everywhere, using our cars often, burning a lot of plastic, cutting trees and many other anthropogenic activities can ruin our environment. Furthermore, not only the activities can ruin our environment, but our lack of awareness can also ruin our world, because not knowing what the impact of that particular thing in our environment can lead to a lot of problems.

 You and I can be a cause of what changed.

Learn how to properly use our electronics because every time we use it there are raw materials that are being used.

We are so cruel to our nature not knowing that we don't own it, and we are only in it for free.

There is beauty in nature: we need to take care and maintain its beauty for us to have a safe and beautiful nature. 

     These can be prevented by action; we need to be aware that these problems can cause death, we need to prevent and take action for us to be safe. Be more cautious: don't be a reason why our nature is suffering rather be the solution.




A Journey to a Path that Leads to a New Knowledge

     Throughout the first quarter as a STE 10th grader, I have gained a lot of experience and knowledge in our subject ICT-10. First, I learned about the LAS Internet Timeline: Such as the people who are involved on the Internet, the specific year of that certain event, the number of hosts that's been added in a particular year, and many other. Furthermore, in this LAS (Internet Timeline) there is also the Internet Browser: How does World Wide Web works, how does the browser fetch the pages and the parts of a Web Browser. Second, it is about the introduction of the internet: I learned the internet services and tools such as the E-mail, newsgroups, etc. I also learned about the Data Types wish are the Text Files, Graphic Files, and Multimedia. Third, the Social Media Smart: this is where the Blog (Web Blog) comes in, I also remember that the types of Blogs are included in this lesson which are the Personal Blog, Question Blogs, etc. Fourth, the Pioneers, citing a source, and how to create a blog account: this is a step-by-step process from what website you should go, to the step of posting. Lastly, not only that I learn the lessons, but I also learned about life lessons. I learned that if they don't make a move, you should learn how to do it and be independent, there will be always a time that you will need to stand on your own.

     During the first quarter as a 10th grader, a lot of challenges and problems have come my way. Some are hard but some are easy to overcome. I find it hard when I do not get the lesson the same way I get with the other lessons, and in a particular reason it doesn't satisfy me. The ICT requirements that I can't finish on time, or maybe I lack knowledge of that lesson that's why I can't finish it on time. I have 10 subjects in a day, sometimes my time in the afternoon is not enough for all subjects, although not all my subjects have an everyday requirement, but I still struggle managing my time for all the subjects. I also found myself having a hard time keeping up with some of the lessons that we tackle during those times. 

     For me to overcome these challenges and problems, I asked my friends and classmates for instruction, and they will give me a simpler answer that I could understand and sometimes they also give me an example to that particular task or activity. When I don't get the lesson the same way I get with the other lesson and somehow it doesn't satisfy me, I sought some help online: I would find the same lesson on YouTube or TikTok then I will grab a pen and start writing and writing until I'm satisfied. Then, when I'm having a hard time trying to do some requirements in my other subjects, I will make a list containing the requirements that I need to pass the next day and when I can't finish it the night before, I would do it in school. 

     Moving on, I will continue to strive, organized and be more active in school. I will also do my best for me to keep up with the lessons. Furthermore, the challenges the I faced during my first quarter journey will be a lesson and will act as a guide on my second quarter journey. 

Pinterest. (n.d.). A girl studying with full of papers around her [Pinterest Pin]. Pinterest.
Pinterest. (n.d.). A study material with highlighter and drinks [Pinterest pin]. Pinterest.

Saturday, 21 September 2024

The person who isn't a doctor injects us with knowledge

          They have an essential and important role in shaping us for the future. As we celebrate National Teachers Month 2024 with the theme "Together4Teachers," it is important to recognize their dedication and commitment. Teachers acts as our second mother/father when we're at school, they guide us as we learn new knowledge.

          Teachers are important to us, and they have a crucial role that they play every now and then. They know what knowledge we lack; in that way they can treat us with that knowledge. They inspire us to go beyond our limits, guide us as we take our paths. It takes a lot of courage and determination for them to be able to shape us, they also help us become the best version of ourselves. Furthermore, they go beyond their duties, guidance and support for us to reach our full potential. Their passion is truly inspiring for us to break our limits resulting us to become a better leader and model for the youth.

          Teachers not only deserves recognition but also our appreciation and gratitude. Their contribution to our society is so big that we can't measure it. Let us take some time to appreciate them and let's give them the respect they truly deserve. 

Pinterest. (n.d.). A teacher teaching the students about math. Pinterest.
Pinterest. (n.d.). A teacher teaching the students about science. Pinterest.

Creating a More Resilient Philippines: Rising Stronger against Disaster


    The Philippines is highly prone to natural disaster such as Earthquake, Volcanic Eruptions, Typhoon and other natural disaster due to its location. Philippines is near Pacific Ring of Fire; this is where volcanoes and the epicenters of an earthquakes situated. Climate change is making these events worst and more intense. These natural disasters caused a lot of damage, loss a lot of lives and harm the community, especially those people who are already struggling in life. Some people also contribute to this situation by not properly disposing their waste and cutting a lot of trees resulting to poor waste management and deforestation, because of this it makes things worse by increasing the risk of landslide and floods. Furthermore, Philippines faces an economic problem such as poverty and vulnerable infrastructure, causing it worse. These factors contribute the highlighting of the need for a more resilient nation. 

          In response, the Philippine government and some other organizations have implemented disaster risk reduction and management programs. These includes promoting sustainable practices and creating more stronger facilities for people to evacuate to when the situation gets worst. Communities also encourages us to actively participation some practices for the natural disaster such as earthquake drill and fire drill. They have also set up early warnings and they trained communities on how to prepare for disasters. Philippines also work with other organization to get support and funds needed to improve their skill to respond in case a disaster strikes. They have taken this action to protect us from any natural disaster that will strike any time.
          However, despite these actions that they've taken, there are still challenges that we can face. Not all areas in the Philippines have the financial resources needed for the preparation. Climate change is making the natural disaster such as earthquake and volcanic eruptions occur more often, which means our nation needs to think better solutions. Some organizations don't work well together, causing the efforts to fall down. For us to overcome these challenges, we need cooperation between local, government, and organizations for better and resilient Philippines.

Pinterest. (n.d.). Flooded city with vehicles. Pinterest.
Pinterest. (n.d.). A car and fallen structures. Pinterest.

Friday, 20 September 2024

My Unsaid Thoughts about Mr. President

FROM: Aubrey Nikole Rapisura 
Tamorong Sta. Catalina Ilocos Sur 
August 22, 2024 

TO: Mr. President Ferdinand "Bong Bong" Marcos JR.
MalacaƱang Palace J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel Manila 

Dear Mr. President Marcos, 

          I hope this letter finds you well Mr. President, I'm here to express my deepest gratitude and admiration for your leadership to our nation. I'm writing this letter as you continue your work for our country, I want to thank you for doing a lot of work just to lead our country. Furthermore, i want to tell you some thoughts of mine.

          Over the time that you've handled our nation, we can see that there are changes Mr. President and we're so happy for that, our deepest thank you Mr. President. You and your leadership has bought a lot. I genuinely appreciate your effort to make our country better and safer for every individual that are living here in the Philippines. Mr. President, I hope you can find courage and energy to improve our country, I hope that you would never stop loving our nation Mr. President. I, we Thank you for guiding us even in complicated and hard situations, we thank you for guiding us through thick and thin Mr. President. As a President of the nation Philippines, you've already proven and demonstrated your sincerity to make our nation improve and be peaceful. You prove your words Mr. President, I believe that with your leadership, our nation will continue to strive and improve, we can even achieve greater heights. 

          In closing, I remain hopeful that you will continue your work as a leader and keep changing our country in a positive way. Thank you for your service, Mr. President, please know that I stand behind you as you continue your work. 

With respect and appreciation
Aubrey Nikole Rapisura

Pinterest. (n.d.). Mr. President Ferdinand Marcos is saying an announcement. Pinterest.
Pinterest. (n.d.). Mr. President Ferdinand Marcos is saying his speech. Pinterest.

Let's explore the structure of my Soul

             What builds 'YOU'? The person that is standing and fighting today? There are a lot of things that builds 'YOU', such as your traits, hobbies, your friends and family or even the things that you can't live without it. Simple things build you, let's talk about it, let's start with mine. Hey, I'm Aubrey Nikole Rapisura, 15 years old and from Tamorong Sta. Catalina. I noticed that time passes by too fast to the extent that we've grown without noticing it. Each day, I learn new things and I gain knowledge. With each knowledge that I'm gaining, I use it to help people or in specific my friends and others, in school, in life, or even in cases that I and that person I'm talking to only knows. With the knowledge that I gained, it also helps me build my trait and attitude better. 

          There are still more about me. My friends see me as an approachable, joyful, understanding and a patient person. I tend to understand everyone even though it's complicated and if I can't take it anymore, I take myself into one corner and preferably not talk to anyone not until I'm okay. I take things professionally. If something went wrong or if there's a problem, I listen to them patiently until they're done talking but I don't always give an advice or opinion because they might not like what I'm going to say, I only tell someone my opinion if it's a need but almost all the time I keep my mouth shut, I just listen to their rant. I tend to approach people if I noticed that there is something wrong, in that way I can avoid issues and other problems between me and some people. I often ask my friends or someone close to me if they have something to say about me, like " hey, do you have something to say about my traits? Or something that offends you that I am doing?" so that we can avoid misunderstanding and issues because I know to myself that actions can be misleading and often leads to a lot of misunderstanding. One more thing that I love is that I love hearing people's opinion because in some cases I often learn from it, gathering new information and ideas. If the result of the idea is bad then it's okay, you can always try again or maybe find another idea if it doesn't work after many tries, besides you can explore the problems that is trying to hinder you from using it and in that case, you can find a solution for it. See? You can learn from everything that you're doing so try to learn from every challenge that you'll face, that's what I always do. One trait of mine is that I tend to greet and smile at everyone even though my day isn't going too well because it's my way of saying that I respect them and that makes me happy even if they didn't smile at me the way I smile at them. There are a lot of challenges that almost made me give up but I didn't, rather I took those challenges as a rope for me to climb up and solve those problems and it made me improve myself. That is a trait of mine that I really like, just enjoy, if the world is harsh then try to find a reason or something so that you can enjoy this crazy world. Try to adapt the flow of this world because if you don't, you won't survive. Make those challenges as a motivation for you to keep moving forward. Lastly, I ask for Gods' help if the problem or challenges is too hard, even if it's not hard I always asks for his guidance because without God, I can't do anything so if you can't then ask for Gods' help, he's always been there, just watching and guiding you. Approach him if the world is too harsh, pray and he'll help you, he'll help you be better. God is the one who guided to a better path and God made me strong.

          My dream is simple, I just want to achieve my dream as an Engineer, Architect and a Doctor. I also want to travel the world with my special someone, Yno. I want to help those in need, provide food for the stray cats and dogs, and many more. For myself, I want to build a business with my partner, buy all the things that I want and be able to afford the needs for my family. When I grow up, I still want to learn a lot of things, discover more, and share with others the knowledge that I have. Lastly, I want to enjoy my life.

A Unity of All the Treasures and Hidden Gems of Ilocos Sur

          The Kannawidan Festival is an important event and celebration in Ilocos Sur. It emphasizes the rich traditions and culture of the ...